Spending on Insulin by U.S. Payers and Patients From 2008 to 2017

Insulin prices have risen rapidly over time, making costs a major public health concern. Understanding annual spending net of discounts—rather than the list price, which does not reflect amount paid—may inform strategies to contain insulin-related spending. We examined trends in U.S. per-beneficiary spending on insulin from 2008 to 2017, including pre- and post-discount expenditures by payer type and out-of-pocket costs.

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Er zijn 2 soorten terugbetalingsregelingen:
* TBR: patiënt declareert online of per post of de apotheker declareert namens de patiënt online
** HEVO-Consult: patiënt betaalt kosten eerst zelf en stuurt declaratie naar HEVO-Consult