Retinal Capillary Damage Is Already Evident in Patients With Hypertension and Prediabetes and Associated With HbA 1c Levels in the Nondiabetic Range

We analyzed whether any change in capillary density in the retinal circulation could be detected in patients with hypertension in the prediabetic stage.
In a cross-sectional analysis, we assessed capillary density in the foveal (CDF) and parafoveal retinal areas using optical coherence tomography-angiography in 62 patients with hypertension and normal glucose metabolism and 40 patients with hypertension and prediabetes.
The CDF was lower in patients with prediabetes than in those with normal glucose metabolism. Moreover, we found a correlation between CDF and HbA1c and glucose levels for the entire cohort. In patients with HbA1c <6.5% (48 mmol/mol), CDF was lower in patients with HOMA for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) ≥2.5 than in patients with HOMA-IR <2.5.
Patients with hypertension and prediabetes display retinal capillary changes, and an association with markers of glucose metabolism exists, even within a nondiabetic HbA1c range.

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