Response to Comment on Fahrmann et al. Modification of the Association Between Severe Hypoglycemia and Ischemic Heart Disease by Surrogates of Vascular Damage Severity in Type 1 Diabetes During ∼30 Years of Follow-up in the DCCT/EDIC Study. Diabetes Care 2021;44;2132–2139

We thank Dr. González-Clemente et al. (1) for their comments on our article (2). We showed that in the young cohort with type 1 diabetes (T1D) of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial/Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (DCCT/EDIC) study without baseline macrovascular complications, the adverse effect of severe hypoglycemia (SH) history on the cardiovascular system increased with increasing microvascular severity. We have not investigated whether a dose-response relationship exists because of differences in severe hypoglycemia ascertainment in the combined DCCT/EDIC period (2,3). Our results demonstrate that the association between SH and ischemic heart disease (IHD) is of a complicated nature. We showed evidence that this association is multifactorial.

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