Limitations in Achieving Glycemic Targets From CGM Data and Persistence of Severe Hypoglycemia in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes Regardless of Insulin Delivery Method

We captured continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) metrics from a large online survey of adults with type 1 diabetes to determine how glycemic outcomes varied by insulin delivery form.
Adults with type 1 diabetes from the T1D Exchange Registry/online communities completed the survey and contributed retrospective CGM data for up to 1 year. Self-reported glycemic outcomes and CGM measures were described overall and by insulin delivery method.
The 926 participants completed the survey and provided CGM data. Mean ± SD age was 41.9 ± 15.7 years, and 50.8% reported using automated insulin delivery (AID). While AID users spent more time in range, 27.9% did not achieve time in range targets, 15.5% reported severe hypoglycemic events (SHEs), and 16.0% had CGM-detected level 2 hypoglycemic events.
Despite use of diabetes technologies, many individuals are unable to achieve glycemic targets and experience severe hypoglycemia, highlighting the need for novel treatments.

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