Is Son Preference a Potential Risk Factor for Diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic condition that disrupts body metabolism and is characterized by decreased insulin secretion, insulin resistance, and hyperglycemic state. It is a global burden that increases day by day, affecting millions of people worldwide. According to the latest statistics, global prevalence of diabetes was found to be 10.5% in a population of 20- to 79-year-old individuals, with 432.7 million patients with diabetes living in low- to middle-income countries. Furthermore, the prevalence is estimated to rise to 12.2%, with nearly 783.2 million patients, by the year 2045 (1). A number of factors predispose individuals to development of diabetes; some well-known contributors are obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia, low HDL (or good cholesterol), and age. One element contributing to diabetes is grand multiparity, a term most commonly defined as having five or more children. Not much is known about the risk of diabetes and its connection with multiparity; however, a study reported an increased risk of diabetes among grand multiparous women (2).

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