GlyCulator 3.0: A Fast, Easy-to-Use Analytical Tool for CGM Data Analysis, Aggregation, Center Benchmarking, and Data Sharing

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) has become the target standard of care for people with diabetes and an abundant source of health care data (1). However, downloading those data is difficult (especially for large numbers of patients or long records) and researchers have to rely on manufacturer or commercial software for analysis. An increasing number of public domain tools strive to bridge this gap, but they vary substantially in their capabilities and ease of use. GlyCulator (2), developed by our team, was one of the first such tools and has been updated several times along with the advancement of sensor technology and analysis guidelines. In this article, we present GlyCulator 3.0, a free open-access online platform that facilitates large-scale consensus-compliant analyses of CGM files and enables data storage and sharing. This solution allows for easy integration between various CGM files and downstream analysis using more specialized tools. It is available freely from after account creation. The current version allows users to upload CGM files downloaded from all popular CGM systems without preprocessing. While GlyCulator 3.0 cannot directly access CGM manufacturer databases yet and requires raw data files downloaded from the proprietary software, the upload and file processing were made as easy as possible. CGM technology and file format are automatically detected—the software is compatible with most current or past CGM sensors—or may be defined by the user on upload. The tool also provides an option to integrate multiple files from a single CGM user into a single standard file; this is especially useful for Medtronic CGM users, as those files are typically limited to storing only 90 days of data.

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