Association of Urine Haptoglobin With Risk of All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes: A Transethnic Collaborative Work


Haptoglobin is an acute-phase reactant with pleiotropic functions. We aimed to study whether urine haptoglobin may predict risk of mortality in people with type 2 diabetes.


We employed a transethnic approach with a cohort of Asian origin (Singapore) (N = 2,061) and a cohort of European origin (France) (N = 1,438) included in the study. We used survival analyses to study the association of urine haptoglobin with risk of all-cause and cause-specific mortality.


A total of 365 and 525 deaths were registered in the Singapore cohort (median follow-up 7.5 years [interquartile range 3.5–12.8]) and French SURDIAGENE cohort (median follow-up 6.8 years [interquartile range 4.3–10.5], respectively. Singapore participants with urine haptoglobin in quartiles 2 to 4 had higher risk for all-cause mortality compared with quartile 1 (unadjusted hazard ratio [HR] 1.47 [95% CI 1.02–2.11], 2.28 [1.62–3.21], and 4.64 [3.39–6.35], respectively). The association remained significant in quartile 4 after multiple adjustments (1.68 [1.15–2.45]). Similarly, participants in the French cohort with haptoglobin in quartile 4 had significantly higher hazards for all-cause mortality compared with quartile 1 (unadjusted HR 2.67 [2.09–3.42] and adjusted HR 1.49 [1.14–1.96]). In both cohorts, participants in quartile 4 had a higher risk of mortality attributable to cardiovascular disease and infection but not malignant tumor.


Urine haptoglobin predicts risk of mortality independent of traditional risk factors, suggesting that it may potentially be a novel biomarker for risk of mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes.

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