Improvements in Parental Sleep, Fear of Hypoglycemia, and Diabetes Distress With Use of an Advanced Hybrid Closed-Loop System

Parental sleep quality may contribute to glycemic control in youth with type 1 diabetes. In this article we present sleep analysis from a multicenter, randomized trial of children ages 6–13 years with type 1 diabetes evaluating the Tandem Control-IQ (CIQ) hybrid closed-loop (HCL) system.
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) scores were assessed at baseline to identify parents as “poor” sleepers (PSQI >5). Glycemic and psycho-behavioral outcomes before and after CIQ use were analyzed in poor sleepers (n = 49) and their children.
Nocturnal time in range (P < 0.001) and time hyperglycemic (P < 0.001), Hypoglycemia Fear Survey for Parents score (P < 0.001), Problem Areas in Diabetes scale score (P < 0.001), PSQI score (P < 0.001), and Hypoglycemia Fear Survey for Children score (P = 0.025) significantly improved. Of poor sleepers, 27 became good sleepers (PSQI score <5).
Use of CIQ in youth with type 1 diabetes ages 6–13 years significantly improved sleep and psychosocial measures in parent poor sleepers, coinciding with improvements in child nocturnal glycemia, highlighting the relationship between HCL systems and parent sleep quality.

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