To determine associations of systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) with new-onset coronary artery disease (CAD) or cerebrovascular disease (CVD) according to glucose status.
Examined was a nationwide claims database from 2008 to 2016 on 593,196 individuals. A Cox proportional hazards model identified risks of CAD and CVD events among five levels of SBP and DBP.
During the study period 2,240 CAD and 3,207 CVD events occurred. Compared with SBP ≤119 mmHg, which was the lowest quintile of SBP, hazard ratios (95% CI) for CAD/CVD in the 4 higher quintiles (120–129, 130–139, 140–149, ≥150 mmHg) gradually increased from 2.10 (1.73–2.56)/1.46 (1.27–1.68) in quintile 2 to 3.21 (2.37–4.34)/4.76 (3.94–5.75) in quintile 5 for normoglycemia, from 1.39 (1.14–1.69)/1.70 (1.44–2.01) in quintile 2 to 2.52 (1.95–3.26)/4.12 (3.38–5.02) in quintile 5 for borderline glycemia, and from 1.50 (1.19–1.90)/1.72 (1.31–2.26) in quintile 2 to 2.52 (1.95–3.26)/3.54 (2.66–4.70) in quintile 5 for diabetes. A similar trend was observed for DBP across 4 quintiles (75–79, 80–84, 85–89, and ≥90 mmHg) compared with ≥74 mmHg, which was the lowest quintile.
Results indicated that cardiovascular risks gradually increased with increases in SBP and DBP regardless of the presence of and degree of a glucose abnormality. Further interventional trials are required to apply findings from this cohort study to clinical practice.