Intensive Lifestyle Intervention for Remission of Early Type 2 Diabetes in Primary Care in Australia: DiRECT-Aus

We aimed to assess whether remission of type 2 diabetes (T2D) could be achieved with a low-energy total diet replacement (TDR) in an Australian primary care setting.
Individuals aged 20–65 years with T2D duration up to 6 years, BMI >27.0 kg/m2, and not treated with insulin were prescribed a 13-week low-energy TDR (Optifast; Nestlé Health Science) followed by 8-week structured food reintroduction and 31-week supported weight maintenance. The primary outcome was T2D remission at 12 months.
A total of 155 participants comprised the intention-to-treat population. At 12 months, T2D remission was achieved in 86 (56%) participants, with a mean adjusted weight loss of 8.1% (95% CI 7.2–9.1). Two serious adverse events requiring hospitalization related to the study intervention were reported.
At 12 months T2D remission was achieved for one in two Australian adults in a primary care setting.

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